Friday, January 18, 2019

Intro: What is a Blovel in Blogress?

Simply put, a "blovel in blogress" is just an unfinished novel that is posted as a blog. What is the purpose of this? I guess there a few reasons I'm doing this. One is because I'm legit proud of the work I've done so far on this story and I want to share it, even though it's not quite ready to be read.

Also, my computer is getting old and I'm a little paranoid about losing my writings, even though they are backed up onto the cloud. As I have these stories on the cloud as well as on my computer, I'd like an official place to be actively working on them without getting confused as to which version is the latest or correctest.

I like the format of the blog, as, in terms of keeping things organized, it's fairly easy.

And, as terrifying as it is, the idea of someone stumbling across this story in an unfinished state, I feel safe in the relative anonymity of the internet to keep this page obscure until I'm ready to share it. I've also found with my other blovel, that the idea of somebody stumbling upon an unfinished story has kept me working on it, even if only sporadically.

And, frankly, I've always found the process of writing a novel to be fascinating, and I like the idea of letting people see the process of writing a novel, even though it's highly unlikely that anyone will ever find this blog until I'm actually ready for them to.

Even though I'm a little worried that if someone does stumble across this blog, I'll be swayed or influenced or discouraged by getting feedback on the story too early, at the end of the day, I just feel compelled to toss this imperfect collection of thoughts into the fray of creativity that makes up the internet. It's kind of like the end of Pump Up the Volume where everyone starts their own radio station that they know nobody will listen to but it's just so important to start shouting into the void anyway, in the hopes that what they have to say will connect with someone out there.

Also, in this day and age, if you're not arting in public, are you arting at all?

So, if you've stumbled upon this blog with this story in its unfinished state, feel free to read along, knowing that, at any moment, your favorite line or scene may disappear forever. And/or that a clunky line will magically fix itself before your eyes, and a pointless scene or chapter will suddenly have a point!

Please feel free to comment, although, I suppose this IS the internet, so I'll have to add a little disclaimer, so here are some guidelines for how to interact with this blog:

  1. If you share criticisms or suggestions for the story, be ready for them to be either ignored or implemented. If I do take a suggestion, you will likely get zero credit or money if this story unexpectedly blows up, so post with caution. Don't share your brilliant ideas that you plan to write yourself someday if you don't want them out there. I understand that I am taking the same risk by putting this out there now, but I have a lot of ideas, so if I get screwed over by this project, I'll just keep my next one secret until it's ready to publish.
  2. I reserve the right to delete any comment that is blatantly disrespectful of me or of anyone else who posts on this blog.
  3. I reserve the right to edit, adjust, delete, or otherwise destroy anything about this story that I stop liking. I also reserve the right to delete this entire blovel with no warning. 
  4. I also reserve the right to die without finishing this story. If I die before finishing this story, anyone can take what I've written so far, finish it, and sell it to the best of your ability. However, even if you are the first to the finish line, you're not allowed to prevent anyone else from taking this story and going off on their own tangent and/or profiting from this story.
  5. In regard to fanfiction written and/or shared while this blovel is still in blogress, go for it. I don't really understand the point of, or read, fanfiction, but I get that it's important to some people, so go nuts. Please keep in mind that these characters and the world I'm building here are mine, so if anything I write after you write a fanfiction version resembles yours, that is the risk you're taking with borrowing someone else's characters and world for your own. Although I don't have any real interest in reading fanfictions of this story or any other, and I would actively avoid any fanfiction written before this story is estimated to be "finished", I can't promise that I don't have similar ideas for plot twists, etc. Every story has already been told, and even though I'm trying to put my own stamp on this one, a thousand monkeys and all that. I would ask, that if you do create fanfiction of anything that I write, that you don't sell or make money from that work, but I understand that that request may be naive, so do what you're going to do. Like I said, I'm taking a risk by doing this, so if it blows up in my face, that's on me.
  6. And, of course, I reserve the right to add, edit, or change any of these guidelines as I see fit. 

However this works out, please keep in mind that I'm a human being and that I'm not perfect but that I do have feelings. So talk to me the way that you would want someone to talk to you, even though this is the internet.

[Note: A post title with a ? means that the chapter is being worked on and not currently considered done, although, most likely, most of these chapters will be altered as the story goes along and I'm figuring out what's going on.]

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